UI Elements
Learn more about custom Dark UI elements.
There’s no usage difference, you can use Dark UI buttons just like the default one. For the main button, text can be changed using Button Manager. If you don’t want to change them by using Button Manager, you can enable ‘Use Custom Content’. For scripting, you can still continue to use UnityEngine.UI.Button class.
API / Scripting
using Michsky.UI.Dark; // namespace
public ButtonManager myButton; // Your button variable
void YourFunction()
// Updating button content
myButton.buttonText = "My New Text";
// Enable or disable options
myButton.useRipple = true;
myButton.useCustomContent = false;
Horizontal Selector
Basically, think of this thing as a dropdown, but the navigation is managed by only with next and previous controls. In my opinion, it fits better than dropdown in most cases.
You can add horizontal selector items to this list. If you wish, you can add functions to each item as well. As long as ‘Indicator’ is enabled, each button will generate an indicator item at runtime.
You can save the selected value by enabling this feature. Note that every selector should has its own unique Selector Tag value. Otherwise, there might be conflict(s) between selectors.
API / Scripting
using Michsky.UI.Dark; // namespace
public HorizontalSelector mySelector; // Your selector variable
void YourFunction()
// Creating a new item
mySelector.CreateNewItem("Item Title");
// Creating items within a loop
for (int i = 0; i < yourIndexOrVariable; ++i)
mySelector.CreateNewItem("Item Title");
// Adding a new dynamic event
// Initializing the selector - use this if you've created a new item at runtime
mySelector.defaultIndex = 3; // optional
// Changing index & updating UI
mySelector.index = 3;
mySelector.ForwardClick(); // Select next item
mySelector.PreviousClick(); // Select previous item
mySelector.RemoveItem("Item Title"); // Delete a specific item
Modal Window
In order to change Modal Window content, you just need to change some values via Modal Window Manager (which is attached to the modal object).
At runtime, window content will be changing depending on its manager. If you want to change those values manually, you can enable ‘Use Custom Content’. You can call the window via OnClick or within your script.
API / Scripting
using Michsky.UI.Dark; // namespace
public ModalWindowManager myModalWindow; // Your window variable
void YourFunction()
myModalWindow.title = "New Title"; // Change title
myModalWindow.description = "Description"; // Change desc
myModalWindow.UpdateUI(); // Update UI
myModalWindow.ModalWindowIn(); // Open window
myModalWindow.ModalWindowOut(); // Close window
Dark UI is using the native slider that comes with Unity UI, but we’ve added some new cool features into it. For scripting, you can use UnityEngine.UI.Slider.
You can save the last selected value by checking this box. Note that every selector should has its own unique ‘Slider Tag’ value. Otherwise, there might be conflict(s) between sliders.
API / Scripting
using Michsky.UI.Dark; // namespace
public SliderManager mySlider; // Your slider variable
void YourFunction()
mySlider.mainSlider.value = 25f; // Changing slider value
mySlider.usePercent = false; // Enabling/disabling percent
mySlider.useRoundValue = false; // Show simplifed value
Native UI Elements
Dark UI is using the native Unity UI and its elements. Only custom UI elements are included on this page. You can also use your own UI tools or third party tools with it without any problem. For more information about Unity UI and other UI elements that is not included in this page, I’d suggest reading the official documentation or watching tutorials: https://docs.unity3d.com/2017.3/Documentation/Manual/UISystem.html
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