Date & Time
A component responsible for managing the system date and time. It doesn’t require any external resources and it’s a simulated time solution. It supports timed events and changing the simulation speed. You can find this manager under the DreamOS Canvas > Managers parent.
Use System Time
If you want to use the real time that is based on your OS, you can enable the ‘Use System Time’ option.

using UnityEngine;
using Michsky.DreamOS; // DreamOS namespace
using UnityEngine.Events;
public class SampleClass : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] private DateAndTimeManager timeManager; // Manager variable
[SerializeField] private UnityEvent tEvents; // Timed events
void YourFunction()
// Set the simulation speed
timeManager.timeMultiplier = 1;
// Set date and time
timeManager.currentSecond = 1;
timeManager.currentMinute = 1;
timeManager.currentHour = 1;
timeManager.currentDay = 1;
timeManager.currentMonth = 1;
timeManager.currentYear = 2000;
// Use system time
timeManager.useSystemTime = true;
// User short time format
timeManager.useShortTimeFormat = true;
// Create timed event
timeManager.CreateTimedEvent("Title", int hour, int minute, DateAndTimeManager.DefaultShortTime.AM, DateAndTimeManager.TimedEventType.Once, tEvents)
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